ventrescaconversación en el pescadería



Conversación en el pescadería

© lisi prada, 2018


TITLE Ventresca [Conversation in the fish market / onversación en el pescadería]



YEAR 2018

SHOT A Guarda, Galicia [España], 2018

SYNOPSIS Ignoring the effects of language leads to confusing biological sex with sexual orientation: see here with some irony and humor

— Official Selection IV CINEMINUTO CÓRDOBA [Argentina] 25-26 ABR 2019

— Official Selection M film Festival Matosinhos [Oporto, Portugal]. 31 MAY 2019


Fishmonger: What would you like?
Madam: The sapucos?
Fishmonger: The sapucos are at six fifty per kilo. These are the only ones because the season is closed.
Cuchi: Why?
Fishmonger: They say that the sapucos are becoming hermaphrodites and that they don’t ...
Cuchi: And they don‘t?
Fishmonger: Hermaphrodites, I suppose they have both sexes, don’t they?
Jos: Sure.
Cuchi: Yes.
Fishmonger: Well, they should reproduce better ... but they don’t.
Child: I know what it is.
Fishmonger: Well, they are becoming one single sex species and they are ...
Madam: ... extinguishing.
Fishmonger: Exactly.
Cuchi: Yes, it seems that they don't like what there is out there...So much plastic to eat, they might think, it isn’t worth it!
Fishmonger: Something is happening.
Child: If you are a boy and a girl dies, you can become her.
Mother: What ...?
Julia: That's the tuna belly.
Javier: That's the tuna belly.
Fishmonger: Hermaphrodites, I believe, have both sexes, the masculine and the feminine, right?
Javier: Yes.
Fishmonger: That has changed now... Now, then, it has changed.
Cuchi: Now has it changed?
Javier: Then they have become homosexuals.
Fishmonger: That is right. I met a child and it was a huge problem, huh.
Cuchi: Yes, yes.
Javier: And ...?
Fishmonger: Because he was still small and he had not defined yet...
Julia: It's awful, huh. It must be very tasty.
Cuchi: Oh, allright.
Fishmonger: To have surgery ... he had not yet decided ..., and I think he had a hard time, huh.
Cuchi: It was a mess.
Jos: Sure, the tuna belly, from bellow.
Julia: The part from bellow.
Fishmonger: And what restroom did he go to, the boys' or the girls'?
Jos: That's the ... what holds the ...
Fishmonger: He had a bad time, huh.
Julia: Yes, it's true, about the belly.




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