state of emergency



State of Emergency
Estado de Emergencia

© lisi prada, 2020


TÍTULO / TITLE Estado de Emergencia / State of Emergency

DURACIÓN 3 min 30s

AÑO 2020

IMAGES Málaga, Madrid and www

SOUNDTRACK Babelain music and Mavi voice

TEXT Babelain

LANGUAGES Spanish with English subtitles

TRASLATION Bruno Álvarez Herrero

SYNOPSIS A Dadaist reflection in the days of COVID-19. What if we guide this encounter with the real to help us improve the world?
A joint work combining a certain irony, the absurd and some critical sense to try to express what cannot be said.

SINOPSIS Una reflexión dadaísta en tiempos del COVID-19. ¿Y si orientamos este encuentro con lo real para ayudarnos a mejorar el mundo?
Un trabajo conjunto combinando cierta ironía, lo absurdo y algo de sentido crítico para intentar expresar lo que no se puede decir.

— Corona Film Collection, curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne 1 to 31 DC 2021

— XV Miami NMF Official Selection, New Media Art and Censorship. Doral Contemporary Art Museum-DORCAM. FL, 28 NOV 2020. Laundromat Art Space. 20 NOV 2020. airWG, Amsterdam. 30 OCT- 1 NOV. Casa di Cultura, Oranjestad. 22-23 OCT. Maker Island, Museo Archaelogico di Olbia, Sardinia. 16-18 OCT

— Corona Film Collection. World premiere physically in Kolkata/India and online at ALPHABET screenings – Cinema K - 4th selection. 16 to 22 OCT 2020

— Poesia visiva. Invited for Arte-fatti Contemporanei, curated by Maria Felix Korporal at Bologna in Lettere 2020, directed by Enzo Campi. On line, 9 to 24 MAY

— PLAY room's exhibition: 'An Art Opening in the Corona Era'. Corona bluez. Global Village Artists Network, curated by Jeroen van Paassen. Online, from 8 APR

— 1st Corona Festival. Corona! Shut Down? - Online, from 8 APR



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