Over red grass
© lisi prada, 2015
TÍTULO / TITLE Over red grass
AÑO / YEAR 2015
FILMACIÓN / SHOT Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial [France], 2014.
70 Years of History at the 'MÉMORIAL of CAEN'
SOUNDTRACK 'Vividero' by RocÍo Silleras
SYNOPSIS A field in strange bloom: flowers marble. Listen with your eyes. We want to convert inaudible shots into shooting,
the roar of bombs into crickets. Cleanse, purify. We are looking for two names at random from the nearly ten thousand planted over this
red grass at Normandy; the at least one hundred twenty-nine thousand of Hiroshima and Nagasaki; the estimated eleven million of the Holocaust;
the among fifty and eighty-five millions of victims in ww2. We want to transmute blood in words.
SINOPSIS Un campo en extraña floración. Flores de mármol. Ulular lo encarnizado. Escuchar con los ojos. Reflexionar.
Convertir los disparos inaudibles en tomas, el bramido de las bombas en grillos. Limpiar, purificar.
Deambular buscando dos nombres al azar entre los casi diez mil sembrados 'over red grass'
at Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial; los al menos ciento veintinueve mil de Hiroshima y Nagasaki,
los aproximadamente once millones del Holocausto, los entre cincuenta y ochenta y cinco millones de la ww2.
Transmutar la sangre en letra, las oes en ojos, las cifras en síntesis granular. Preguntarse. Vislumbrar.
— Indian Council for Social Science Research - North East Regional Centre (ICSSR—Nerc). Department of Arts & Culture, Government of Meghalaya [Shillong, India, February 26-27-28, 2016]. The 10th CeC [Carnival of e-Creativity]. Program 3. Never More!
Hiroshima—Fukushima Collective Trauma Film Collection