Digital [díptico]. Dos variaciones
[diptych]. Two variations
© lisi prada, 2016
SERIES / SERIE Nymphalidae
YEAR / AÑO 2016
SHOT / FILMACIÓN Madrid, Spain
SOUNDTRACK Hatory Yumi, Automate Playlist Works Emotional
TÉCHNIQUE / TÉCNICA Digital video edited from a single sequence shot combined with appropriations from the industrial and pre-digital age
SYNOPSIS Biological antennas. Wings without software. Oblivious to the increasing speed of our era and the successive technological revolutions, the engine of life continues to beat, at its own pace and, although forms change, the future of its original structure remains, just as it endures through the centuries, the number of moras and verses of a haiku: 5-7-5 syllables x 3: High tech of your wings / at the tip of my fingers / new digital soft. Return to nature, being nature, loving nature: the next revolution.
DESCRIPTION Technology can excite us, but there are sensations and relationships with the other that are outside the laws of the market, small events that do not happen all days. On the way to work, a friendly encounter lights up the gray of the city. An artifact with antennae accepts the invitation to climb into my hand and be filmed with my pocket hardware. Outside of time, of the hard touch of the screens, oblivious to the passage of passers-by, to the fast and consumerist paradigm of the digital age, fingers and wings dialogue —without words— about deficiencies, needs and desires; about thirst I ask him, are emotions analog or digital? and, from life to life, he asks me back as he says goodbye, looking me in the eye again just before he spirals his trunk and takes flight.
— Centro Cultural Conde Duque, Madrid. EXPO COLECTIVA Haciendo Barrio, V Ed. 25 ABR—14 MAY 2017
TITLE / TÍTULO New Digital Hard
SERIES / SERIE Nymphalidae
DURATION / DURACIÓN 3 min 14 s 16 ms [ π ]
YEAR / AÑO 2016
SHOT / FILMACIÓN Madrid, Spain
SOUNDTRACK Ruin, in EP Regma, by Hatory Yumi
TÉCHNIQUE / TÉCNICA Vídeo digital editado a partir de un único plano secuencia combinado con apropiaciones de la era industrial y pre-digital
SINOPSIS Antenas biológicas. Alas sin hardware. Ajeno a la creciente velocidad de nuestra era y a las sucesivas revoluciones tecnológicas, sigue latiendo, a su propio ritmo, el motor de la vida y, aunque cambien las formas, permanece el futuro de su originaria estructura, igual que perdura a través de los siglos el número de moras y versos de un haikú: 5-7-5 sílabas x 3: High tech of your wings / at the tip of my fingers / new digital hard. Volver a la naturaleza, ser naturaleza, amar la naturaleza: la próxima revolución.
RAZÓN Este trabajo hace mención de algunos personajes visionarios (Jules Verne) e influyentes inventores en el desarrollo de la tecnología -industrial (Hugo Gernsback, Nikola Tesla), aérea (Amy Johnson) y digital (Ada Lovelace, Grace Murray, Alan Turing)-, durante el siglo XIX y principios del XX y los enlaza con la tecnología biológica de un animal (aquí un lepidóptero) proponiendo un futuro capaz de unir ambos, naturaleza y tecnología, desde una visión lírica.
REASON This work mentions some visionary characters (Jules Verne) and influential inventors in the development of technology -industrial (Hugo Gernsback, Nikola Tesla), aerial (Amy Johnson) and digital (Ada Lovelace, Grace Murray, Alan Turing)-, during the 19th and early 20th centuries and links them with the biological technology of an animal (here a Lepidoptera) proposing a future capable of uniting both, nature and technology, from a lyrical vision.
DESCRIPCIÓN La tecnología pueden emocionarnos pero hay sensaciones y relaciones con el otro que están fuera de las leyes del mercado, pequeños acontecimientos que no suceden a diario. De camino al trabajo, un encuentro amigable ilumina el gris de la ciudad. Un artefacto con antenas acepta la invitación de subir a mi mano y ser filmado con mi hardware de bolsillo. Fuera del tiempo, del tacto duro de las pantallas, ajeno al paso de los transeúntes, al paradigma veloz y consumista de la era digital, dedos y alas dialogan —sin palabras—, sobre carencias, necesidades y deseos; sobre la sed. Le pregunto ¿las emociones son analógicas o digitales? y, de vida a vida, me devuelve la pregunta al despedirse, mirándome de nuevo a los ojos justo antes de enrollar en espiral su trompa y echarse a volar.
APPROPRIATIONS [Public Domain] / APROPIACIONES [Dominio Público]
. TV Glasses by Hugo Gernsback, 1963. Life magazine. Clipping photo by Alfred Eisenstaedt.
. Dra. Grace Murray Hopper, who created the first business computer software.
. Ada Lovelace. Diagram from "note G", the first published computer algorithm and portrait by Margaret Sarah Carpenter, 1836, UK Government Art Collection.
. Amy Johnson plane Jason, a De Havilland Gipsy Moth. Science Museum in London and portrait when made a solo flight to Australia in May 1930. Waverley Book Company.
Alan Turing, passport photo, 1928; father of computing and artificial intelligence.
Lockheed SR-71, the fastest plane in the world. IBM PC 5150 by R. Rijcke.
. Jules Verne. Automated Transfer Vehicle. NASA.
. Couverture Voyages Extraordinaires by Jules Verne. Editions Hetzel. Portrait by F. Nadar, 1878.
. Nikola Tesla, with his equipment for producing high-frequency alternating currents. Colorado Springs, 1900. Photographer: Dickenson V. Alley. Wellcome Library, London and portrait in 1890 by Napoleon Sarony.
— Premiere